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Holly King

This incredibley detailed and immersive wall hanging will be a lovely kind and jolly cross over between the Holly King (Winter Greenman) and Father Christmas

Designed to bring a smile when ever you look at him!

He has smiley face ruddy cheeks with a crown of Antlers with Holly, Ivy and mistletoe leaves and berries, with a little robin friend peeking through his foliage, and a big bushy beard.

As ever this kit is adaptable so you can adapt him how ever you want!


You'll be able to display him on the wall our even outside to welcome people as they arrive to your home.

This will be an ‘increase your skills workshop’ with a combination of dry and optional wet fetling


Kit contents

Approximatly 500gms of wool and other fibre in the kit

also, pre felt, wire, angelina, soap flakes, bubble wrap.


Face making

Wet felting techniqes

Builing up layers

Creating Character

You will need a three in line tool, large needle felting pad approximately 30cm square preferabley foam, 38* needles and a 40 triangle for the finer work.

Vairious alternatives will be given for the antlers which can be made using the kit or with other mixed media techniques which will be discussed in the lessons.

The Holly King

SKU: Stf-hk
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